What Do I Need To Know Before My Examination?
Structural Corrective Chiropractic:
Following a complimentary consultation, you will be given the opportunity to undergo a comprehensive Structural Chiropractic examination. This exam will be thoroughly performed by Dr. McCanse to identify the nature of your structural shift. The exam includes:
- Complete Series of Orthogonal Structural Radiographs
- Digital Structural Analysis
- Structural Posture Assessment
- Necessary Neurological and Orthopedic Tests
*** Please be prepared to dress appropriately for the examination. Please bring gym shorts/athletic wear to the examination.
After the examination, if a structural shift has been confirmed, a follow up conference to review the results will be scheduled. The doctor will discuss the nature of your specific structural shift, care options, and deliver your first structural correction.
For more information about the process with Dr Bogan and her work with Neuro-Structural Integration: Click Here